When you are about to get married, a lot of people heap a lot of advices on you born out of their own personal beliefs and experiences. While a number of them come to you on the best intentions, you must really do some homework to filter them and take in only those that are universally true. It is very important to brush aside some myths that can ruin your peace of mind and trigger some unwanted apprehensions about your marriage. Here are few such common myths about marriage that you must not believe without validating them personally. Your life partner must be your best friend While this is certainly a desirable criteria, it can be too good to happen in reality. Though you are partners wedded for a lifetime, there are chances that you both can share different interests, tastes and priorities in life. The best married life ensues when you both learn how to adjust with the other person and accommodate their interests. Once you are prepared to fulfill their desires in the way possible ...